Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

Safety is always our highest priority. Please help us keep our students and school safe by following our drop-off and pick-up procedures to ensure that students enter and exit the building in a safe and organized manner.

Morning Procedures (school doors do not open until 7:25)

  • No cars will be allowed to drive through the front circle during morning drop-off. Please also do not drop students off in Clinton Street.
  • All morning car riders and buses will enter through the exit to Cardinal Stadium (off of Clinton Street) and stay in their designated lanes (SEE MAP BELOW).
  • Car riders will be dropped off next to the awning.
  • Cars will then continue straight to exit back out onto Clinton Street (both left and right turns are allowed).
cms car rider

Before School bus and car rider drop-off procedures

Afternoon Procedures

  • Cars will enter through the exit to the stadium (off of Clinton Street) and line up in the stadium parking lot (SEE MAP BELOW). No cars will be allowed to drive through the front circle drive for dismissal.
  • Once the buses exit (out the parking lot toward CIS), cars will pull forward and line up in the bus lane to pick up their student.
cms dismissal procedures map

Please contact the school office prior to 2:00 with any transportation changes.


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