Question 2: Zero Tax Increase Levy Transfer

Question 2 is a proposed Zero Tax Increase Levy Transfer which wouldlevy transfer move 15 cents from the district’s Debt Service Levy (currently allocated for paying off debt) to the Operating Levy (the fund that pays employees and provides for district operations). The proposed transfer would allow the CSD to SUPPORT, attract, and retain staff by allowing for salary/wage increases without a change to the overall tax levy. Wise fiscal management ensures our debt can still be paid. This transfer of funds would simply decrease the debt service levy from $.8168 to $.6668 while increasing the operating levy from $3.0511 to $3.2011. Regardless of how one votes, the existing levy of $3.8679 (debt service and operating levies combined) would remain unchanged.


This zero tax increase levy transfer would generate approximately $425,000 to address staff salaries/wages.



Shall the Board of Education of Clinton School District No. 124 of Henry County, Missouri, be authorized to increase the operating property tax levy ceiling to $3.2011 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation according to the 2024 assessment for the purpose of paying general operating expenses of the District, including increasing compensation for employees in order to attract and retain quality faculty and staff?

If this question is approved, the adjusted operating property tax levy of the District is expected to increase by $0.1500 from $3.0511 to $3.2011 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, and the District expects to reduce its debt service property tax levy by an amount that is estimated to result in no net increase in the District's total property tax levy, which is estimated to remain unchanged at $3.8679 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.


INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: If you are in favor of the question, place an X in the box opposite "YES." If you are opposed to the question, place an X in the box opposite "NO."

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